Yes, that is Harrison moving so fast on the court that he is entering a time warp and moving Back to the Future. Harrison has had 4 soccer games now which means we have played the other 3 teams once each and one team twice. The team we played twice is the "best" team. They have 2 dominant boys (co-ed teams with usually 3-4 girls and 4-5 boys per team). So we lost twice to the "best" team and tied a game and won a game. We are not supposed to be keeping score, and winning is not supposed to be "important", but the kids sure keep track and so do most of the adults involved, and surely when coaches have their best players on the floor all the time.. Yes, I'm too competitive for recreational sports and get easily frustrated with unbalanced teams.
At any rate, Harrison is having fun(most importantly) and he scored his first goal this past Sunday (SUPER AWESOME HALF-VOLLEY). We didn't get a live action picture of the score, but I heard it made the ESPN shot of the week reel. Sarah did get some pics of the team and then a little "coaching moment."
In other exciting news, winter has kicked the crap out of PA the last couple of weeks. A week ago Saturday Harrison and I spent 4 hours sledding after we got 14" overnight. That was the storm that all the sissy policitians in DC used as an excuse not to go to work. That storm was followed by another 6-8" the following Tuesday & Wednesday. We have had up to 4' snow drifts. A few days of sun this past week melted a lot, but we still have a lot of snow on the ground, especially where stacked up from plowing and shoveling. And now last night we were getting snow again, expecting 4 or 6" more by tomorrow night. When God deals you a messload of snow, make table top jumps! I built a launch ramp and a nice sledding track in our front yard:
Was good fun for Harrison & Claire. Harrison and I built the 4' table top jump on a much steeper, longer hill at the park - no pictures, sorry. Harrison did outsled the other kids and adults in the neighborhood down at the park - never once wiped out off the table top jump and had the longest 3 runs. He was easily clearing 5-6' vertically and launching 10' out over the jump. Impressive stuff - he admitted he was closing his eyes.
In other not-so-exciting news, I have been keeping a pretty rigid workout schedule. Basketball for 90 minutes Wed/Fri, running 3-4 miles Tue/Thur, 30-40 minute core strength workouts 5 days a week and 2.5 hours of indoor soccer on Sunday evenings after Harrison plays. I've almost lost back the 10 lbs to where I was before the evil Holiday break. This weekend I have a referee meeting in Monroeville and then the following weekend I will teach a grade 9 referee class as well as a grade 9->8 bridge class, both in State College. I'm looking forward to teaching the class in State College since I was getting my appendix out last year and missed the class. I kind of feel like a sissy, however, since Bryan Johnson has like 40 stitches in his foot and changed the fuel pump in his car in the snow like 2 days after major foot surgery. Appendix removal is for kids.
Lets see if I can update this thing again within 1-2 weeks. I didn't feel like posting a youtube about doing Russian twists (which is all I could come up with), so instead I will share one of my favorite quotes:
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
-George Orwell